7 Sleeping Tips for Glowing Skin and Healthy Body

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People have always been fascinated with the thought of having everlasting beauty. Stories like the one about the ‘fountain of youth’ where people can maintain a youthful look for the rest of their lives resonate with people’s desires for beauty and attractiveness. Whether it is the woman who desires flawless skin or the man who wants a ‘fresh’ look, it is important that they adopt the right sleeping habits that will help them get prettier in their sleep. OZ Mattress, who are the experts in mattress sales offer the following tips:

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#1 Sleep for at Least 8 Hours a Night

Beauty sleep is essential for repairing your skin. When your body is sleep deprived, your body will elevate the levels of cortisol in your body which will hurt your skin’s quality. Poor sleep can also increase the severity of inflammatory conditions such as acne and eczema. It can break down the collagen, hyaluronic acid, and the molecules that give the skin its glow, bounce, and translucency.

#2 Sleep on a Satin or Silk Pillowcase

Have you ever slept on a cotton pillowcase only to look in the mirror and see a series of lines all across your face? Some pillowcases cause friction on your skin, which can lead to irritation, wrinkles, and fine lines. Using silk or satin pillowcases, causes less friction between your skin and the pillowcase, preventing the risk of your skin creasing or wrinkling.

#3 Change your Bed Linen Regularly

There are several health threats that can easily lurk in your bed if you don’t keep your bed linen clean. Unclean bed sheets can harbor dust mites and cause allergies to your skin and health. While you are sleeping, your body will shed dead skin cells, secrete oils, and. Aim to wash your bed linen at least once a week to minimize any threats of having a germ-filled bed.

#4 Use a Humidifier While You Sleep

If you want to have healthy, glowing skin, then hydrating your body with water can do wonders for your skin’s complexion. Drinking up to two liters a day can help keep your skin looking supple. However, it isn’t possible to drink water while you are sleeping. Thus, investing in a humidifier can help to hydrate the skin while you sleep.

#5 Go to Bed with a Clean Face

If you are a woman who goes to bed without removing her makeup or if you are a man who goes to bed without washing his face, then you will be risking your skin’s health. Skin problems include acne and irritation. You also risk developing wrinkles earlier than it should be. Washing your face before going to bed should be a must-do routine just like brushing your teeth.

#6 Keep your Skin Moisturised

There are many people who still do not moisturize their skin in general or worse, before going to bed. When you go to bed, you should moisturize your skin with an anti-aging night cream that contains hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid will attract water into the skin and help smooth wrinkles. Additionally, adding lip balm to your lips before you go to sleep will help your skin to repair itself.

#7 Change your Sleeping Pattern so you Sleep on your Back

You want to avoid creasing or wrinkling your skin prematurely. If you sleep on your chest, then you have a much greater risk of creasing and wrinkling your skin permanently. If you sleep on your side, you may find that one side of your face will appear more wrinkled than the other one. Alternatively, if you sleep on your back, your face will be unaffected.

These are a few handy tips for enhancing the beauty and health of the skin while you are asleep. Do you have any other handy tips? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.

Dima Al Mahsiri

I’m Dima Al Mahsiri. I love blogging, and I consider myself the luckiest person on Earth. Why? Well, I have a great husband, four amazing children, including twins. Like any ordinary woman, I would like to have a perfectly smooth, shiny, and young looking skin. After trying every possible solution you may think of, finally got the golden rule that: THE MORE NATURAL, THE BETTER. This is what Tips for Natural Beauty Blog is all about: teaching you Tips to keep your skin NATURALLY BEAUTIFUL.

View Comments

  • Its very true that getting a great night of sleep is super important to enhance beauty . I am so guilty of looking at my phone and laptop before I go to bed! I’m trying to reduce my times on my electronics before bed, since I know it can reduce the effectiveness of sleep.

  • Great tips. Though it's nearly impossible for me to fall asleep on my back. Haven't thought about using a humidifier during the night, might be good idea to try it out, the air is quite dry here.

  • I am having a problem for falling asleep for past few months. I have consulted doctor also. I will try to follow these tips. Thanks

  • These tips are really helpful. I have never heard of using a silk or satin pillow. Hopefully that helps in my sleep cycle. 8 hours sleep is a must or at least minimum 7.

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